
T2S Architecture Ltd is proud of its reputation for delivering projects all the way through the Architectural process. We believe this gives our client base confidence that we can achieve buildings of Architectural merit which deliver their commercial aspirations. Throughout this process T2S is comfortable leading the design process, offering assertive and reasoned advice to guide clients and protect their interests.

Below is a brief summary of how T2S controls the design process through the 3 main stages: Concept; Design; Completion.


T2S work with their clients' to help understand the commercial potential for sites they have acquired, or looking to acquire. Beyond this, one must establish the clients' objectives and aspirations to ensure that these are built into the design at inception stage.

It is important to establish the site constraints which inform the design so that the proposals sit comfortably within their surroundings. As part of these site constraints, T2S will undertake a basic statutory review to understand the legal constraints. This may involve a review of the ownership titles to understand any rights of way which may exist, in addition to any Planning policy which may inform the design.

Once we understand the site constraints, the basic form and massing can be developed. T2S believes that adding interest into the form at this early stage is essential to creating buildings of beauty that also maximise the clients' aspirations. Truly contextual buildings are those which react directly to their surroundings and this is a fundamental influence on T2S' Architecture.

This understanding of the local context can be of particular interest when working on existing buildings in areas of historic character as the local authorities will expect a good understanding of the built form.

For new buildings - it is important to relate the proposals to the surrounding urban grain to ensure that the building respects the local environment. Sometimes the local charachter has an ecletic mix of styles and forms which means that the Architecture has to be less reactive. Often, the local context has a strong character which must inform the design - and it is important that this is celebrated in the architecture and that this narrative is articulated in the design commentary.

If the diagrammatic steps have a clear logic, the design becomes inherently interesting without the need to resort to superfluous decoration. At T2S, we believe that using the sites context to inform the diagram has a clear logic which people can understand and relate to.

This stage of the process is essential in establishing the key principles of the design. The diagrams presented articulate each step taken, so all members of the team understand what has informed the design. This is particularly important when presenting the proposals to the local authority, in order to gain confidence that we can deliver a considered proposal.


Once the basic principles are established, T2S has the creative skills to develop the design into something of architectural quality. The basic massing should have visual interest built in, so that the facade design is not working too hard and acting like wallpaper.

At this early stage the massing should be continuously reviewed to remove inefficiencies. The resultant massing should have a clear diagram, which has interest in its own right, creating a cohesive architectural language.

Once the spirit of the design is established, the architectural language follows naturally. The materiality is informed by the context, or by the nature of the massing diagram. If the steps of design are followed in a disciplined manner, the finite detailing of the facade and fenestration become subconscious.

The choice of detailing, materials and facade design, is informed by the detailed massing. In the instance of the above scheme, the horizontality of the massing means it is sensible to use vertical detailing.

At T2S, we are strong believers in the mantra that the way to judge an architect is their ability to deliver the intended design. It is important that when undertaking this phase, we have a basic understanding of how the design can be delivered on-site. Therefore, at T2S we provide 3-d details at an early stage so that the technical strategies are built into the proposals.

Details of this nature also allow us to sell the proposals to the wider team so that local authorities, and clients, feel comfortable that the design will be of the requisite quality. The construction industry is becoming more discerning when discussing design quality. Equally - local authorities are becoming very concious of ensuring the built conditions accord with the planning documents. At T2S, we believe our process builds in security against this diluting of the quality of the built condition.


Delivering projects on-site is a direct manifestation of the design process. T2S are proud of their ability to create high quality architectural solutions which can be delivered true to the design's spirit. As mentioned previously, T2S believe in the mantra that a true judgement of an architect is their ability to deliver the initial concept.

It takes time to complete medium to large scale projects from concept stage through to completion. Throughout this process, T2S continue to offer clear, assertive, advice to all members of the client and design team. Delivering projects on-site is the true purpose of the construction industry and the architectural profession.