Friern Park

London Borough of Barnet

T2S is working with its long term client, Morgans Management Limited, on delivering this fantastic development in Friern Park, North London. Planning was sought with the local authority for 21 apartments within a detached 4 storey building.

A critical aspect of the design is the lowered balconies to the front elevation, which allow amenity and daylight in the Ground Floor which sits below the pavement level. Guarding is hidden by greenery to soften the buildings impact on the street frontage, whilst complying with all requisute regulations.

On the upper floors, recessed balconies are integrated to ensure the overall massing and design reads in a clear and coherent manner.

Construction methods have been kept traditional, with two types of brickwork used to create a playful pattern applying simple techniques.

The brickwork pattern is particularly evident on the elevation to the Northern boundary where is helps to break up the overall massing and linear nature of the upper floors. This unifying language creates a forgiving device which allows windows and openings to move and shift to react to the internal layouts.

This pattern also allows the complex massing to be read in a clear fashion. Here, the massing sets back and angles away from the adjacent habitable windows to prevent an overbearing condition.

The development of the mass and shape of the building was discussed with the Local authority at great lenght. As with most London sites, the surrouding context and constraints help to develop the design to create a building which sits comfortably within its surroundings.

This is particularly prevalent on the southern boundary, where the massing is scuplted to on the 2nd and 3rd floor to prevent a sense of enclosure and overbearing condition when read from neighbouring properties.

A previously consented design was used to define the scale of height of the building to the front elevation.